Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Annual Town Election gave final project approval for the new main library by a vote of 1,480 to 850.

The next steps will focus on finalizing architectural plans (schematic plans are on the Library website at and writing bid specifications and documents; developing plans to move the Colburn School (sometime in the fall); arranging for project financing through the state grant and a town bond; coordinating meeting and reporting procedures with the Permanent Building Committee; continued fund raising efforts; deciding on interior furnishings and colors; getting final approval from Town boards.

During this phase, the architects, Finegold, Alexander & Associates, and the project manager firm, Design Technique, Inc., will continue to play an important role along with the Board of Library Trustees and Town employees.

The anticipated ground breaking will be early in 2011. The exact date will be announced later. The library staff will start to formulate plans to provide services during the construction phase when there will be very limited parking at the Main Library.