Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Spring 13 Update

Perhaps you’ve seen the progress on the outside grounds of the new Library? Trees are being planted, light pole bases and fencing installed, and the ground is being prepared for paving. Curbing for the circular entry court has been put into place. All this means we are getting close to opening. While we don’t have a firm date, all signs indicate that it won’t be long now. The Library Trustees and I appreciate the continued interest shown by town residents. While the process has taken longer than anticipated we are confident that the Library will be a huge success. Meanwhile, inside the building important punch list work is being completed. This includes start-up of the air conditioning system. Staff training on the new phone system and updated building safety procedures will take place in June. We are also working to make our museum passes available for on-line request. The majority of the staff continues to work at the Branch Library keeping the building open six days a week. You can see progress on the former Colburn School as contractors for new owners Coffman Realty re-habilitate the building. Between the two projects, the work site is a very busy place. The Town Building Inspector’s decision to wait until Library parking was in place and safe access for all users could be assured was certainly the right one. Please look at the Library web site for upcoming announcements.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Spring Library Project News

Progress on the new Westwood Public Library is nearly complete inside the building. The majority of the remaining work consists of exterior tasks including paving, curbing, landscaping, etc. This phase of the project will not begin until the winter weather is behind us and the Colburn School is moved to its new location on the site of the former library. We believe the Colburn will move sometime in April. Coffman Realty of Brockton has purchased the school and is now preparing a new foundation. We are working to coordinate the final stages of the Library project with the on-going Colburn work on the adjacent property. The Town’s commitment to finding a use for the 1876 school building will result in a great addition to High Street and the community. Having said that, no one should underestimate the time and effort required by all parties to make this a reality. The Town’s Permanent Building Committee has done an excellent job managing the project. All of us on the Project Management side are committed to ensuring that this is a quality building. Thanks to the PBC, the Town Finance Department and DTI, our Project Managers, I can assure you that the project budget is in very good shape. We investigated the possibility of opening the new Library before completing our remaining site work with the Town’s Building Inspector and the Traffic Safety Officer from the Westwood Police Department. They reviewed the exterior library work schedule and the construction activity on the Colburn site. They concluded that until we can provide parking, handicapped access and a safe way for the public to enter the building it would be unwise to open before these things are completed. Library staff continue to set-up the radio frequency identification (RFID) system that will make managing the heavy volume of circulating materials more efficient. We are also busy with computer and network installation. Finally, staff training on these new systems is on-going. I am pleased that town residents are utilizing library services at the Islington Branch Library with its expanded six day a week schedule.