Wednesday, November 3, 2010

New Library - Colburn School Update

Since my last post, planning for the new library has moved from early schematic designs to 75% completion of the final design. The architects, project manager, Permanent Building and Library Building Committees have all contributed to this effort.

Our timeline to complete plans and prepare bid documents remains on schedule. We expect to receive bids in late January 2011. Independent consultants have reviewed project costs as the plans have been developed. The last estimate was completed in late October and show the project is on budget.

Work to clear the expanded library site began in August by the Department of Public Works. Bids to move the Colburn School were advertised and Geddes Building Movers of New Hampshire were awarded the contract. They expect to begin work on November 15 and to complete the Colburn move in December. During this time parking next to the Main Library will be reduced by half to insure a safe and secure work site. More information on library parking is available at